The Tibor Jakabovics Goodwill Fund aims to support developing an ever stronger network of human relationships, rather than providing ad-hoc safety nets. The Fund supported several charity projects the past six years, boosting healing and development in many a personal crisis.
The primary focus of the Fund is neither finding the financial resources nor supporting charitable organisations, but offering direct support and help, even if this involves considerable administration and other hassle. Our philosophy is that often it is not the amount of money that is important but the human attention and care delivered in time and with affection. After all, help should address the immense inner strength and tenacity of those needing it.
Like an athlete who endures the hell of being confined to bed for years after an accident until they find the treatment they need to recover. Or the selfless affection the nurses of a neonatal intensive care unit, - which received our donation of an incubator, - care about those helpless little babies – who themselves display an invincible will to live. And a child care institution which somehow survives being abruptly cut from the state lifeline, and stops receiving state resources on a moment’s notice.
And these are only some of the examples where the Tibor Jakabovics Goodwill Fund offered support and help. The Fund´s website offers a more in-depth information on several individuals and institutes the Fund had the pleasure to get in charitable contact with. And, just to end on a more playful note: the Fund has also supported the construction of two playgrounds.